The volume of water (about 325,900 gallons) that would cover an area of 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot. This is enough water to meet the annual needs of one to two households.
agricultural water supplier
As defined by the California Water Code, a public or private supplier that provides water to 2,000 or more irrigated acres per year for agricultural purposes or serves 2,000 or more acres of agricultural land. This can be a water district that directly supplies water to farmers or a contractor that sells water to the water district.
annual Delta exports
The total amount of water transferred (“exported”) to areas south of the Delta through the Harvey O. Banks Pumping Plant (SWP) and the C. W. “Bill” Jones Pumping Plant (CVP) in 1 year.
appropriative water rights
Rights allowing a user to divert surface water for beneficial use. The user must first have obtained a permit from the State Water Resources Control Board, unless the appropriative water right predates 1914.
Article 21 water
Water that a contractor can receive in addition to its allocated Table A water. This water is only available if several conditions are met: (1) excess water is flowing through the Delta; (2) the contractor can use the surplus water or store it in the contractor’s own system; and (3) delivering this water will not interfere with Table A allocations, other SWP deliveries, or SWP operations
biological opinion
A determination by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service on whether a proposed federal action is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated “critical habitat.” If jeopardy is determined, certain actions are required to be taken to protect the species of concern
A computer model, jointly developed by DWR and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, that simulates existing and future operations of the SWP and CVP. The hydrology used by this model was developed by adjusting the historical flow record to account for the influence of changes in land uses and regulation of upstream flows.
carryover water (Article 56)
A water supply “savings account” for SWP water that is allocated to an SWP contractor in a given year, but not used by the end of the year. Carryover water is stored in the SWP’s share of San Luis Reservoir, when space is available, for the contractor to use in the following year.
Central Valley Project (CVP)
Operated by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the CVP is a water storage and delivery system consisting of 20 dams and reservoirs (including Shasta, Folsom, and New Melones Reservoirs), 11 power plants, and 500 miles of major canals. CVP facilities reach some 400 miles from Redding to Bakersfield and deliver about 7 million acre-feet of water for agricultural, urban, and wildlife use.
cubic feet per second (cfs)
A measure of the rate at which a river of stream is flowing. The flow is 1 cfs if a cubic foot (about 7.48 gallons) of water passes a specific point in 1 second. A flow of 1 cubic foot per second for a day is approximately 2 acre-feet.
Delta exports
Water transferred (“exported”) to areas south of the Delta through the Harvey O. Banks Pumping Plant (SWP) and the C. W. “Bill” Jones Pumping Plant (CVP). The SWP’s Delta exports are the primary component of total SWP deliveries.
Delta inflow
The combined total of water flowing into the Delta from the Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, and other rivers and waterways.
exceedance plot, delivery
For the SWP, a curve showing SWP delivery probability (especially for Table A water)—specifically, the likelihood that SWP contractors will receive a certain volume of water under current or future conditions
incidental take permit
A permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service, under Section 10 of the federal Endangered Species Act, to private nonfederal entities undertaking otherwise lawful projects that might result in the “take” of an endangered or threatened species. In California, an additional permit is required and take may be authorized under Section 2081 of the California Fish and Game Code through issuance of either an incidental take permit or a consistency determination. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is authorized to accept a federal biological opinion as the take authorization for a State-listed species when a species is listed under both the federal and California Endangered Species Acts.
riparian water rights
Water rights that apply to lands traversed by or bordering on a natural watercourse. No permit is required to use this water, which must be used on riparian (adjacent) land and cannot be stored for later use
State Water Project (SWP)
Operated by DWR, a water storage and delivery system of 33 storage facilities, about 700 miles of open canals and pipelines, four pumping-generating plants, five hydroelectric power plants, and 20 pumping plants that extends for more than 600 miles in California. Its main purpose is to store and distribute water to 29 urban and agricultural water suppliers in Northern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, the San Joaquin Valley, the Central Coast, and Southern California. The SWP provides supplemental water to 25 million Californians (almost twothirds of California’s population) and about 750,000 acres of irrigated farmland. Water deliveries have ranged from 1.4 million acre-feet in a dry year to more than 4.0 million acre-feet in a wet year.
SWP contractors
Twenty-nine entities that receive water for agricultural or municipal and industrial uses through the SWP. Each contractor has executed a long-term water supply contract with DWR. Also sometimes referred to as “State Water Contractors”.
Table A Water
The maximum amount of SWP water that the State agreed to make available to an SWP contractor for delivery during the year. Table A amounts determine the maximum water a contractor may request each year from DWR. The State and SWP contractors also use Table A amounts to serve as a basis for allocation of some SWP costs among the contractors
turnback pool water
Allocated water that individual SWP contractors may offer early in the year for other SWP contractors to buy later at a set price.
urban water supplier
As defined by the California Water Code, a public or private supplier that provides water for municipal use directly or indirectly to more than 3,000 customers or supplies more than 3,000 acre-feet of water in a year. This can be a water district that provides the water to local residents for use at home or work, or a contractor that distributes or sells water to that water district.
Water Rights Decision 1641 (D-1641)
A regulatory decision issued by the State Water Resources Control Board in 1999 (updated in 2000) to implement the 1995 Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento– San Joaquin Delta. D-1641 assigned primary responsibility for meeting many of the Delta’s water quality objectives to the SWP and CVP, thus placing certain limits on SWP and CVP operations.
water year
In reports on surface water supply, the period extending from October 1 through September 30 of the following calendar year. The water year refers to the September year. For example, October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011 is the 2011 water year