
Under Development

Post-Processing Tools

Congratulations, you've run CalSim! Now, let's help you make sense of the results.
When a CalSim run is completed, the outputs will reside in a Decision Variable (DV) DSS file

1. PDF Report Tool

The PDF Report tool is a summary report generator to compare two CalSim 3 DV files. It is among the most commonly used tools to quickly compare the differences of two CalSim 3 studies. The PDF Report tool can be launched using through WRIMS.

2. Excel Tools


To use these tools, you will need to install the HEC DSS Add-In. The installer can be downloaded here:

Excel spreadsheet tools are the most flexible tools to review CalSim 3 results. There are many tools developed to review different areas of the model. The list of tools below is not exhaustive; there have been many tools developed to accomodate different post-processing needs.

a. Trend Report

The "Swiss Army Knife" of CalSim 3 post-processing tools.

b. Delivery Capability Report One Pager

This tool is used to develop the high-level summary tables used in the Delivery Capability Reports

c. Control Spreadsheet

For a deeper dive into the operations. Identifies the controlling factors in the models (e.g., Delta salinity requirements, pumping constraints, reservoir operations).