
These tutorials are written to get new users up and running with pandss. It might be neccesary for users to understand some DSS concepts to fully understand what they are doing with pandss. Where appropriate, USACE HEC-DSS documentation is linked.


Conda is the preferred package manager for pandss due to certain preferred dependencies. In the future pandss may be distributed via PyPI, but not as of now.


conda install pandss -c dwr-cvm

Basic Usage

The library is mostly used to interact with existing DSS files, but it is possible to create DSS files from scratch.

import pandss as pdss

# Specify the file to be created
file = "new.dss"

# The data to be written to file
data = dict(
    values=(31, 28, 31),
    dates=("1921-01-31", "1921-02-28", "1921-03-31"),

# Create the RegularTimeseries object
rts = pdss.RegularTimeseries.from_json(data)

# Write the data to a file
with pdss.DSS(file) as dss:
    dss.write_rts(rts.path, rts)

Usually, you will have a DSS file handy so you will not need to create the RegularTimeseries objects from scratch.

import pandss as pdss

rts = pdss.read_rts("existing.dss", "/DOCS/MONTH_DAYS/TUTORIALS//1MON/2024/")

Once you have the data read, you can convert it to a pandas.DataFrame and use your typical data analysis tools.

df = rts.to_frame()  # Convert to DataFrame